Unable to Offer Insurance to Employees?
Phoenix Direct Care Can Help
For those business that can not afford to offer insurance to their employees or for themselves, DPC is a start to that process. DPC is an affordable health care alternative that will provide 90%-100% of your employees annual health care needs.
Current Insurance Premiums Out of Control?
We Are Here for You
Many small to medium businesses are inundated with rising premiums and less and less coverage. Pairing DPC with your current plan will stabilize these unwarranted increases or give you the competitive advantage to shop around for the best pricing. This is accomplished by using the primary care services of Phoenix Direct Care instead of using deductibles and co-pays. Incorporating our services will lower your businesses insurance health rating over time and give no reasoning for your insurance company to raise your premium.
Time is Money
Save Both!
Phoenix Direct Care can provide on-site visits. It is costly for both the employer and employee to take time off for medical appointments. We can integrate with our wellness program to catch problems early which creates an efficiency that saves everyone money. This type of service can make the employee feel special and might even be an attractor for new employees. Again, time is critical in our fast-paced world and onsite care shows a sensitivity to employees busy schedules.

Happy Employees are Productive Employees
Employees look for a health care provider they trust and respect. It is also difficult to find a provider that can be as responsive as a DPC practitioner. With same day or next day appointments, tele-medicine apps and texting, health care is only a call or click away, not three weeks. By having this accessibility, employees can be comfortable in knowing they are being taken care of which only leads to increased quality and productivity.

All or None?
This service does not have to be an all or none decision. Phoenix Direct Care can be an additional option for your employees to voluntarily enroll in. Currently, our practice only has one provider but we plan to expand to give multiple solutions for your entire employee population.